Brains, hearts, organs & limbs, skin, stomach, brain.

I sincerely hate anger. 

It comes to remind us of things that we already know, 

and have long been trying to ignore.

It signifies the passing of time and the shortness of laughter

it warns us of familiar mistakes, and life: ratified and non-stopping

regardless of preferences.

It reminds us that alone, we're poor. 

We're sad, and saddening to the onlooker's eye,

incapable of standing alone,

unable to call our deepest thoughts our own.

Anger reminds us that independence is an illusion,

security and control, all invented words, crafted.

Power, a term for gauging and for physics, not possession

It reminds us vulnerable, palpable and affected. 

Anger is theft, experiencing stolen-ness. 

of Understanding, objects, truth, trust, chances. 

Silently, it kills. Loudly, too.

No bad news go unnoticed, no bad side goes un-woken.

brokenness is welcomed and help, unspoken

all is on the table, and victims feast,

unable to be satisfied by anything besides the absolute immediate. 
